Happy Holidays

What Better way to Celebrate the Holidays than Ending Inequality?

What Better way to Celebrate the Holidays than Ending Inequality?

A recent study highlighted that only 1.6% of all charitable giving goes to supporting women and girls. Women face countless social and economic barriers that bar them from financial agency and self-sufficiency. Our business school model tackles those barriers directly by building women-owned businesses that provide dignified income opportunities where people can earn living wages.

Holidays Gifts from SPI Artisans, and More

Holidays Gifts from SPI Artisans, and More

The jewellery of our artisans at the site of Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala is now available online! The Rebirth Kaminaljuyu line was produced by and designed in conjunction with the 12 women cooperative there, drawing upon both their lives and the incredible archaeology and iconography of this urban site. Necklaces, bracelets and more.