Supporting Poor Entrepreneurs in a Time of Crisis

Supporting Poor Entrepreneurs in a Time of Crisis

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, it has left the world's poorest and most vulnerable people at greatest risk - including many of the entrepreneurs trained by SPI in Peru, Tanzania, Bulgaria, and Guatemala. However, thanks to your tremendous support for SPI’s COVID-19 Relief Fund, entrepreneurs and artisans now have the resources to step up as local leaders, keeping their families and communities safe.

What the COVID-19 Response Means for SPI Artisans in Peru, Tanzania, Bulgaria, and Guatemala

What the COVID-19 Response Means for SPI Artisans in Peru, Tanzania, Bulgaria, and Guatemala

For these vulnerable small business owners, new government restrictions to curb the pandemic mean less or no income at all in the coming weeks. Although these entrepreneurs are doing everything to adapt to this evolving situation, most do not have the resources to do so. Your support could be their lifeline.